Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Saris & Memories....

 I've often been asked the question - "what do I do when I don't know what to write about."  Prompts are wonderful ways of providing a que for writing, but often it is our senses, our memories that can take us back to a place and be just the right answer when we are stuck.   Something about summer can take us back to memories from childhood - it could be eating our favorite ice cream - it could be the smell of the ocean  - it could be the hot sweltering sun - any of those can take us back to memories that can be a great way to begin writing.  I read something the other day by Erika Veurink - titles "Getting Dressed."  Clothes have a way of taking us back, can make us feel powerful, sexy, too self-conscious, playful, and the list goes on.  This is a prompt from her essay which I would like to share:

This is my prompt:

Long flowing saris 
9 yards to be exact
when I was a little girl I would wrap myself up in a long flowing scarf
pretending that I was living in the country side by the water,
I would "play and pretend" to have earthen clay pots that I would put on top of my head and walk to the riverside to fetch water
The comfort of the material made me feel so warm and safe
It was almost freeing
I would watch my aunt every day drape her sari and watch with awe and amazement at how fast and perfect she did.  The pleats were perfect.  The "paloo" the part that drapes around the shoulder was not too long. And within seconds she was ready.  So fast.  And she would always finish it off with a red dot on her forehead.  This used to be the favorite time of my day.  
Saris were natural to her and maybe if I had continued to live in india they would have been to me too.  I have memories of my cousin wearing saris to work - elegant and beautiful so nicely draped...
Flash forward 15 years later and I find myself at an ashram with a group of girls to attend a summer course on indian culture and spirituality.  The uniform were saris.  From morning till we evening.  This was a feast for the eyes - silk, cotton, georgette, chiffon - and the colors were vibrant
orange, fushia, blue, baby pink, red, sea green
We had to be quick to get dressed - a comraderie of women together - such a powerful bond
Another memory - my cousin's wedding and so began the search for the perfect sari for many of us 
what would we wear?
There is an experience in sari shopping.  From entering the store, to being greeted by the salesperson, to be offered some chai and then to be led to a large display of materials.  The salesperson takes out one after another different types of saris - solids, prints, embroidery - and then he drapes it around himself, and then if you like it you - quite an experience....and when you find the right one - its like cinderella - it is perfect.  
The sari has taken me on a train ride, making stops  - exploring, reliving, and celebrating important moments in this thing that we call life!

What is your clothing memory?
Happy Journaling 

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