Friday, August 13, 2021

I surrender....

When life throws you lemons, make lemonade.  

I never knew what that really meant - my first instinct was when life throws you lemons- throw it right back - until i got it.  Make lemonade is an art - the right amount of lemons, the right amount of sugar, water - not too sour, not too sweet.  Squeezing out the lemons is like  squeezing our negative emotions - getting rid of it , so that we can enjoy that nice cool refreshing sip.  

That is how life is when we are put in situations that come unexpectedly.  We can either take the long road of fighting back, of projecting the future outcome, of becoming overwhelmed, of giving up and expecting the worse.  Especially when the "lemons" keep being thrown at you one after another.  How many of us want to react and hit right back when we are put in uncomfortable situations or unexpected situations. Life transitions, job transitions, medical issues, the list can go on - our first instinct is to react or be numb.  I for one am known for reacting - not responding.  And I made a decision a while back, that if this was what life is made out of - why not learn to respond mindfully.  

What does that involve?  It involves taking stock of the situation - seeing your role in it and responsibility and being in a position to open it up to a higher power or the universe to take over.   Whatever your spiritual belief system - there is a sense of security when you know that you are supported by the universe, God, Higher Power, spirit - whatever you want to name it.  And that has been my practice lately because it allows me to learn to let go of things that are beyond my control. It is an actual affirmation that I repeat to myself that I offer this to you and ask you take care of it - and guide me in the right manner with wisdom and compassion.   There is a pose in yoga called Child's Pose....which is the ultimate act of surrender....bowing your forehead to the ground and allowing your body to let go and simply relax....this pose has taught me to practice letting go....

The moment I do that, I feel light, because it is not my problem anymore and I have handed it over.  What does one do with the thoughts that keep surfacing or ruminating that is beyond one's control?  I practice deep breathing to center myself and I have also begun to physically remove myself from a situation - like go for a walk, or call a friend, or read a book, or cook something - to get my mind of the topic.  So my attention is on something else.   I have found that that period of inactivity - or activity actually has been helpful because ideas begin forming and it is as if there is the inner guidance that is showing me the way and the path.   

Learning to trust the inner guidance takes courage because often I have to do things that is out of my comfort zone -but like everything else it take practice and courage.  The more I do it the better I become at it.   

Journal Prompt:
When life throws me lemons I .......
You can use this in different ways -Make a list, write for five minutes nonstop ,or if you want to be creative write your own meme....

Happy Journaling!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Owning your story

 Over the last couple of weeks I have been listening to Brene Brown's Podcast on Gifts of Imperfection with her sisters.  This is hard work, which requires honesty, vulnerability, courage and the willingness to be open to change.  What I have loved about it is the dynamic between the sisters and the connection they share.  A bond- a beautiful bond - very candid and raw.   As kids we are all exposed to some level of dysfunctionality within our family.   Some of us have high level trauma and many of us don't really spend the time as a family (as adults) to talk about it.   We deal with it in our own individual way or we totally shut it out.  These three sisters have taken the time to work on themselves and the trauma that impacted them as children into adulthood and are open about it.  It is so refreshing to see such honesty and authenticity.  It is an invitation to learn to accept our own worthiness with all our flaws and imperfections. And it has been the perfect piece to listen to at this point in my life.  

I am at a point in my life where i am continuously working to be myself - i see my flaws, but i don't want to lose myself.   I think the pandemic and lockdown allowed me to go deeper into that space without any judgment.   It has meant being vulnerable at work when the workload felt too much for me and my staff and I had to voice it.  It meant setting boundaries at home so that I could have me time.  It meant asking for help in the home because I am one person and I don't need to prove to myself that I can do it all.  You see my mother did it all - and on some level I want to prove to myself that I can be her - but I am not her - so I had to let go of that too. It meant saying no things I don't want to do anymore because it does enriching to my soul.   It is about choosing who I want to surround myself with and whom I don't.  It meant taking my exercise and lifestyle issues into my own hands and creating a routine for myself so I can feel good about myself physically- and it is because I finally want to - not because of what others want for me.   All of that is work, and it takes a lot of time. And then there is a the concept of play - allowing ourselves and giving ourselves permission to relax and play.  For some like myself - that is a very difficult thing to do - this strong work ethic that if I am not constantly busy I am not productive is ingrained in my head - and if i just allow myself to sit there is a sense of guilt that crops up in me ( well it used to) - I am getting better and better at it - The world today needs compassion - but compassion starts within us - if we cannot be compassionate with ourselves - how can we expect to do that with others.  We must start within us - so it can be a ripple effect to those around us.  We become more forgiving and more tolerant.   If you are interested in listening to this here is the link...

Journal Prompt: 

Read the quote below  and write about your story?  What is the story you want to own?  

Happy Journaling!!