Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Glorious Sun

Each season brings its own set of beauty and we can take inspiration from nature through each season.   Spring is officially surrounding us and we see its beauty in so many different ways.  For me the sun is special because its warmth brings me alive and gives me energy.  The birds chirping in the early hours of the morning is another sign of spring.  It is almost as if they are calling out to us to get along on our day just like they do -and make the most of the day.  I could sit for hours just listening to the birds chirping. I wonder what are they saying to each other?  Is it a birds song just for us?  Every morning, the first thing I do when I wake up is look outside my window to see what kind of sunrise there will be for me today.  I wake up saying "good morning sun and good morning world".  This is my journaling piece on the Sun as we move into spring.... 

Glorious Sun shining down on me

A burst of energy

Winter holding us captive 

keeping us in hibernation

You bring a sense of release

Your rays spread like a sunflower 

bursts of yellow everywhere

birds singing your glory

so they too can come out and enjoy your warmth

glorious sun pouring your light on my head

no more heaviness 

just delightedness

no more lethargy

just movement

no more feeling cold

just feeling warmth

Glorious Sun you bring life to the flowers, to the trees, to the plants

As you awake, so too do the buds of the leaves begin to form

As you awake, even the streams and waterfalls take on a new form

when I wake up you greet me

you spoil me with your sun rise

sometimes pink, sometimes orange, sometimes hints of purple

Glorious sun, immense gratitude for ur divine energy

u peak through the clouds showing a glimpse of what you are

but when we see you in your full glory 

we are in awe of your being

Stay with me so I can share your light with others

Glorious Sun I welcome you to spring! 

Journal Prompt:  Look out the window or your patio or your front door - what do you see that stands out to you in the spring?  Is it a bed of flowers?  Is it the cherry blossoms?  Pick something and write about it - let if flow in poem form or let it flow in prose.  Take inspiration from nature....

Happy Journaling!!

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