Wednesday, December 4, 2013

“My Destiny is Joy.”  I recently completed a 21 day meditation challenge with Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra in which for 21 days straight, I would receive a meditation on Desire and Destiny.  It was my time where I would allow myself to really delve into the power of meditation and set intentions for the day.   The experience was a transformative one on many levels because it made me stick to a routine of setting “me” time and silent time, but more than that, it gave me the power to really believe in the miracle of “joy.”  When I heard the affirmation, “My Destiny is Joy,” I questioned it –wondering what does that really mean?  Does that mean that I must not experience any pain? Does it mean that we can only be positive and negate the reality of our life?  No, it simply meant that – Joy is my birthright – but in order to do that, you must choose it.  Yes, there are going to be ups and downs, and yes there are going to be financial pressures, and yes there are going to be uncertainties in our lives, and yes, we are going to go through painful times, but amidst all this we must seek to reflect on what makes us “joyful” and remember that like children, no matter what we must choose joy. Someone wise told me “This too shall pass.”  Nothing is permanent -there are seasons to everything, the only thing that does not change is our soul-and our soul is joy.  So reminding ourselves that every now and again brings us back to that reality. 
Because in the midst of how I decide to view my situation –by living joyfully, the way I experience my situation also begins to change.  So yes, I may be very uncertain about my future because currently it looks bleak, but if I choose to be joyful and look at what brings me joy – I live in accordance to the law of the universe.  And while yes, our pain of a break up, or the loss of a loved one can be so devastating to us – but by choosing to be “JOYFUL”, I make each day count in accordance with what brings me joy.   If you have been recently hit with a medical condition, it can change your whole life- it can alter the course of your lifestyle, but despite that –aren’t you allowed to still be joy full?  By making a choice to believe that we deserve to be Joyful, our decisions and our outlook begins to change because we will settle for nothing less than what we feel we deserve.  “Joy” is a choice we make to experience under any circumstances.  It takes courage to allow yourself to really believe it and life will throw you several experiences to test that courage, but if you believe that you are meant to feel that joy –and that bliss- and share it on to others –then as the mediation says, “you will be like a big bright stardust.”  
The Holidays can be difficult for many of us.  Yet, a simple tip to remember is that of experiencing joy.   What is true joy to us?  Think of a moment in your life – it doesn’t have to be something miraculous or exciting, it could be something as small as getting a smile from someone you love – and how that particular moment made you feel “joy”.   .  

Make a list of things that give you joy – and for this month, practice it – give yourself that permission to feel that joy. 
Journal Prompt:

Make 30 Entries with the following Prompt:  How can I Choose to experience Joy in my life?
Write them in List form and label them 1-31 for the entire month of December. 
Under each Date i.e. lets say tomorrow is the 4th – Look at what makes you Joy and either use that as your intention/affirmation throughout the day, or find a way to make it happen.  Reflect on it in your journal.

This is my list, What is yours
  1. Paint
  2. Sing
  3. Walk
  4. Make cookies
  5. Help Someone in need…
  6. Read a book
  7. Meditate
  8. Do Yoga
  9. Have a Date Night
  10. Massage
  11. Dance
  12. Watch a Movie Marathon
  13. Wrap some gifts for the Toy Drive
  14. Write
  15. Paint some more
  16. Write, Write, Write
  17. Have a great Conversation
  18. Meet old friends
  19. Walking in the woods
  20. Walk in the city without a destination
  21. Simply Sitting
  22. Family Time
  23. Listen to Carols
  24. Enjoy the look of my son opening his gifts and really believing there is a SANTA. 26. Be Happy
  25. Remember to Choose Joy with a good MojitoJ
  26. Be Grateful for What I have
  27. Internal Checklist for myself
  28.  Quite Time
  29. More Quiet Time and Reflection…

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