Monday, November 24, 2014

In Remembrance.....

“Let my thoughts come to you, when I am gone, like the afterglow of sunset at the margin of starry silence.” - Rabindranath Tagore-
13 years ago we said goodbye to your physical body...but like i say every year - you are physically gone but so very close and more present than I have ever felt. Time is a strange thing- sometimes it feels like just yesterday that you were in our midst and at other times it feels like it has been ages.  And in between all this, your presence in its own majestic way exists like an invisible hand.  I feel your hand of protection on me. On my family, I feel your wisdom come thorough when I least expect it, I feel your compassion bloom because of moments that I shared with you that taught me over and over again that there is no greatest act than the act of service.  So just like we say goodbye to the physical presence of the sun as it sets , I said goodbye to you 13 years ago.  But just as i am still astounded by the beauty that the sun has created in the sky - the reds, the oranges, the pinks, all of that leave us too I am speechless by your never ending love even when your physical presence is no longer there.   And for that in debt gratitude over and over again!
For some this may be a time when we are truly missing a loved one - a couple of weeks ago,  I did a writing piece on capturing my favorite memory of thanksgiving and I went back and wrote about special memories of Thanksgivng.  After my dad died,  it was difficult to really give it the same meaning because it always coincided with his death anniversary- but it remembering him, I realized that we were celebrating him and his ideals, and that we were grateful for having had him in our lives for as Long as we did- especially the last couple of years. And so this is for those that may be in the same boat - we celebrate the person. - we celebrate and acknowledge their love- and that is where we begin to find grace, gratitude, blessings, abundance, beauty, love manifest in our lives - we rise above the physical presence and connect with spirit/soul. 
Happy Thanksgiving! 

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